Otoplasty or ear pinning surgery in Tampa is a procedure that is done to setback prominent ears. People of all ages can request an otoplasty and the timing of when to have this surgery is an individual decision. Usually the youngest age that we can perform otoplasty surgery is five or six years. At this point the ear is pretty much fully grown in into what the adult size ear would be and kids are entering school which could subject them to teasing and bullying. Adults who are self conscious about their ears can also request this surgery. Otoplasty surgery has been shown to improve psychological benefits to patients who are bothered by the appearance of their ears.
Information about otoplasty in Tampa with Dr Rayess
How is the surgery performed?
The surgery can be performed with oral sedation or IV sedation. For children it will have to be performed with IV sedation or full anesthesia. The technique that is used depends on what is causing the prominent ear. During your consultation with Dr Rayess he will carefully examine your ear to determine this. Most commonly it is from lack of formation of the anti helix which is the outer cartilage framework of the ear. This can be corrected by placement of permanent sutures. Usually you will have an incision on the back of your ear that will be hidden. Sutures are removed at 7 days.
What are the risks of otoplasty?
The risks are really minimal for this procedure. Dr Rayess does not cut any cartilage out only uses suture to manipulate the cartilage therefore the risk of damaging the cartilage and making new deformities is significantly decreased. Permanent suture is used to help mold the cartilage. Cartilage is very pliable and occasionally one of those sutures gets loose and which means we have to go back in and replace that suture. This can usually be done with just some local numbing medication.
What is the recovery for otoplasty?
The recovery process is very simple for patients. Usually for the first 1-2 weeks afterwards you'll be asked to wear headbands to help keep the ears back. Initially your ears will look like they are plastered to your head. They will then relax a little over time.
Frequently asked questions about Otoplasty
Why do some peoples ears stick out?
The most common reason patients have prominent ears that "stick out" is lack of development of an anti-helical fold. This is the cartilage just under the outer rim of the ear. Ear pinning surgery aims to recreate this fold using permanent suture.
What is the best age for otoplasty?
The youngest patients can have otoplasties is 6 years of age. At this point in time the ear has grown to approximately 95% of its adult size and patients are going to school at an age when they may be teased about their ears. Otoplasty surgery can be performed on patients of any age after that. Adults typically have been self conscious about the ears for a while and used hairstyling in the past to cover their prominent ears.
What is the average cost for otoplasty?
The average cost of an otoplasty is $4500. This price can change depending on what kind of anesthesia is used and what maneuvers are needed to help correct the prominent ear.
How long does otoplasty last?
Otoplasty surgery is supposed to be permanent. The way Dr Rayess performs his otoplasties, permanent suture are used to hold the cartilage in place. There is a chance that a suture may become loose over time and that you will need to have another procedure to tighten it but it is rare.